I spend 5 hours more on this issue
Here are some usefull information for others trying to get a fully multi language site based on Gavick templates. The guide from Gavick below is not complete.
A greate guide for Joomla multi language sites is available here. It even has admin login so you can se how it's done back-end:
http://multilingual-joomla-demo.cloudaccess.netThis works perfect! The only problem I have is that it do not show up in Gavick template position "mainmenu" also knowen as 'Position 7' in other templates.
If I change my mainmenu-gb and mainmenu-da and set the "Modules linked to the menu" to position 'left-left' it works with Gavick Music template.
Perfect! The guide works!!
But why not in Gavick "mainmenu" position?
After 5 hours it hit me!
In template settings is where I set what to put in "mainmenu". From here default is Main Menu - this is now "HOME ALL" with a disabled module. Therefore no matter what, I can not load multi language menus like described on:
http://multilingual-joomla-demo.cloudaccess.netThis is a BIG set back for my Gavick template!
In documentation it says:
Since Gavern 2.7 version we have added option to disable main menu in template. When Show template menu option is disabled the top template menu will not be visible on all pages, in this case users can use simple Menu module and place at any template module position.https://www.gavick.com/documentation/jo ... work-menu/ Where do I find this?
If I can do this, I might work something out and extend my Gavick Music template with 'Position 7' and style it almost as same. Then I think it will work.
Does someone from Gavick have a point to this?
Also check this:
http://community.joomla.org/blogs/commu ... odule.htmlI did not get why I did not see that my site was a multi language site.