I can insert small icon next to the menu
text-shadow: none!important;
div.gk-menu > ul.level0 > li > a#menu101 {
background: url("../images/img.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
background-image: url("http://seo-web-site.co.uk/jam/templates/gk_esport/images/style3/minicart.png");
background-position: -2px -4px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 21px auto;
#gkPageTopMod p{
font-family: "Palatino Linotype","Book Antiqua",Palatino,serif;
Don Lee wrote:Do you think that this looks okay? http://easycaptures.com/fs/uploaded/487/6995636983.jpg
If it does, then add this code to file override.css to add a background image for the cart link:
- Code: Select all
background-image: url("http://seo-web-site.co.uk/jam/templates/gk_esport/images/style3/minicart.png");
background-position: -2px -4px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 21px auto;
Don Lee wrote:As you can see, I tried the code with Firebug to get that result so I totally worked for me, I have no idea why it doesn't work for you. Can you provide me with FTP access info via a PM then I can try for you?
Don Lee wrote:Hi,
Thank you I got your message. I see that you added the code to file override.css already but it wasn't right and exact like what I gave you, so I corrected it for you, however it still doesn't work because the file is not being loaded just because maybe you haven't enabled CSS Override mode in template setting, just check and confirm this.
Don Lee wrote:Hi,
You seem to have changed the image to other place, it's now is http://seo-web-site.co.uk/jam/images/cart.png
I was about to change it for you by editing the file but couldn't connect to your server. The file override.css is loaded now, so please edit the background image URL to the new one, also add "!important" to end of every css rules I gave you, if you don't understand this to do it yourself, just provide FTP access again and I will do for you.
Don Lee wrote:Hi,
You didn't do like what I said in the previous post, I have just done that for you and it works now, please check and confirm the same.