I have eSport-Template for J!2.5 with VM 2.0 running with MySQLi.
Installation was no Problem, but the details now are.... don´t know what to say in english...
This eSport-Template is really cool, but I have real Problems to get it work! The following points make me confused:
1. When I publish the "VirtueMart Shopping Cart"-Module in cart position, this nice little basket appears on the right side. But when I click on it, a lightbox opens that is all empty - even if I publish the module name, too.
What do I do wrong???
2. The "mod_news_pro_gk4" module says "Error: No articles to display" in frontend, even if I selekt all VM categories. I published a few products for demo case and it works in VM perfectly. So they should appear because they are published in a category that I have selected in the module. Then I saw in the virtuemart Setings the field called "VM Item ID" with the value 9999. What is that ID? the menu ID in the main menu is 107. When I change the settings to this value, the result is the same.
What can I do to get it work? The Screenshots are within this thread.
Thanks for help!