Does the eSport template have Social Icons Typography?

GK User
Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:41 pm
Usually Gavick templates let you define a class for a div that shows various social icons in div background

for example in


Code: Select all
/* Social Icons */

.iconDigg, .iconDelicious, .iconTwitter, .iconMobyPicture, .iconYoutube, .iconVimeo, .iconFacebook...

But I can't seem to get the classes to work with eSport template, was this option built into this template
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GK User
Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:57 pm
No, the eSport tempalte don't have this social icons but you can copy this part of css and images from any other template. All available icons/styles are always in 'Typography' article and in 'Module variations' menu item.
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