Product Image click for a film-strip?

GK User
Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:55 pm
I thought it was me, but might be something else to this... see the part 2...

Part 1: (J1.7) I'm using the eSport temp - when I look at the gavick demo site, I can click the product and expand the image. see attached screen shot.

Using only as my localhost site (problem is local) when I click on any product it popups with a distorted multiple film-strip of thumbnails (see screen shot).

I'm guessing it's a mistake on how I've set something up working in the backend... (a code guy I'm not) ok to dumb-down your helpful ideas. Thanks!

Part 2: I added another product. Imediately went and refreshed the frontend site. Went to this new products page. Clicked on the product image. It showed up as looking like a 2 image film-strip (vertical). I noticed that the currency changer acted weird when I closed the double image, then went over the the currency changer and confirmed by a reset of USD. I went back and expanded the image and it now was a film-strip of 4 images!!! :silly:
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GK User
Sat Mar 10, 2012 1:00 am
The problem may be solved. I resized my images to near what esport demo was 600x600. One of my images was not resized (3600x2700), and this image opens as a single correctly expanded image on the frontend. I'll test the other images and find a minimum size accepted...
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