Hi, i recently made a full upgrade to both joomla and virtuemart so from j2.5 i upgrade it to j3 and so i did for virtuemart. After that i upgdated the template esport to the latest v3 compatible version, but there must be some problem cause in frontend all i get is a blank page with this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::get() in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/xxxxxxxx.gr/libraries/cms/module/helper.php on line 215
in line around 215 in the helper.php file is this:
// Check if the current module has a style param to override template module style
$paramsChromeStyle = $params->get('style');
if ($paramsChromeStyle)
$attribs['style'] = preg_replace('/^(system|' . $template . ')\-/i', '', $paramsChromeStyle);
I checked by changing template and the site is working fine.
Could you please advise?
Thanks in advance