The typography plugin does not work properly

Winter sport ecommerce template for Joomla with VirtueMart support
GK User
Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:49 pm
Hi everybody!

After installing the quickstart-package (Jomla 2.5), I'm having problems with the typography plugin.

On some pages in the backend (e. g. adding/editting products) everything is fine, but when I want to edit categories, a long list of all the typography parameters is displayed right above the editor:

info1 <p class="gkInfo1">Your info message goes here!</p>
info2 <p class="gkInfo2">Your info message goes here!</p>
tips1 <p class="gkTips1">Your info message goes here!</p>
tips2 <p class="gkTips2">Your info message goes here!</p>
warning1 <p class="gkWarning1">Your info message goes here!</p>
warning2 <p class="gkWarning2">Your info message goes here!</p>
H1 <h1>Heading 1</h1>
H2 <h2>Heading 1</h2>
H3 <h3>Heading 1</h3>
H4 <h4>Heading 1</h4>
head1 <p class="gkHeadline">Your Headline</p><p class="gkSubHeadline">Your Subheadline</p>
head2 <p class="gkSmallHeadline">Small Headline</p><p class="gkLargeHeadline">Large Headline</p>
audio <p class="gkAudio">Your audio message goes here!</p>
webcam <p class="gkWebcam">Your webcam message goes here!</p>
email <p class="gkEmail">Your email message goes here!</p>
creditcard <p class="gkCreditcard">Your creditcard message goes here!</p>
feed <p class="gkFeed">Your feed message goes here!</p>
help <p class="gkHelp">Your help message goes here!</p>
images <p class="gkImages">Your image message goes here!</p>
lock <p class="gkLock">Your lock message goes here!</p>
printer <p class="gkPrinter">Your pritner message goes here!</p>
report <p class="gkReport">Your report message goes here!</p>
script <p class="gkScript">Your script message goes here!</p>
time <p class="gkTime">Your time message goes here!</p>
user <p class="gkUser">Your user message goes here!</p>
world <p class="gkWorld">Your world message goes here!</p>
cart <p class="gkCart">Your cart message goes here!</p>
cd <p class="gkCd">Your cd message goes here!</p>
chart_bar <p class="gkChartBar">Your chart bar message goes here!</p>
chart_line <p class="gkChartLine">Your chart line message goes here!</p>
chart_pie <p class="gkChartPie">Your chart pie message goes here!</p>
clock <p class="gkClock">Your clock message goes here!</p>
cog <p class="gkCog">Your cog message goes here!</p>
coins <p class="gkCoins">Your coins message goes here!</p>
compress <p class="gkComporess">Your compress message goes here!</p>
computer <p class="gkComputer">Your computer message goes here!</p>
cross <p class="gkCrpss">Your cross message goes here!</p>
disk <p class="gkDisk">Your disk message goes here!</p>
error <p class="gkError">Your error message goes here!</p>
exclamation <p class="gkExclamation">Your lock message goes here!</p>
fil <p class="gkFilm">Your film message goes here!</p>
folder <p class="gkFolder">Your folder message goes here!</p>
group <p class="gkGroup">Your group message goes here!</p>
heart <p class="gkHeart">Your heart message goes here!</p>
house <p class="gkHouse">Your house message goes here!</p>
image <p class="gkImage">Your image message goes here!</p>
information <p class="gkInformation">Your information message goes here!</p>
magnifier <p class="gkMagnifier">Your magnifier message goes here!</p>
money <p class="gkMoney">Your money message goes here!</p>
new <p class="gkNew">Your new message goes here!</p>
note <p class="gkNote">Your note message goes here!</p>
page <p class="gkPage">Your page message goes here!</p>
page_white <p class="gkPageWhite">Your page white message goes here!</p>
plugin <p class="gkPlugin">Your plugin message goes here!</p>
accept <p class="gkAccept">Your accept message goes here!</p>
add <p class="gkAdd">Your add message goes here!</p>
camera <p class="gkCamera">Your camera message goes here!</p>
brick <p class="gkBrick">Your brick message goes here!</p>
box <p class="gkBox">Your box message goes here!</p>
calendar <p class="gkCalendar">Your calendar message goes here!</p>
class <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Classic Tooltip Anchor<span class="classic">Tooltip message goes here !</span></a>
critical <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Critical Tooltip<span class="customTooltip criticalTooltip"><em>Critical Tooltip</em>Tooltip message goes here!</span></a>
help <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Help<span class="customTooltip helpTooltip"><em>Help</em>Tooltip message goes here!</span></a>
information <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Information<span class="customTooltip infoTooltip"><em>Information</em>Tooltip message goes here!</span></a>
warning <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Warning<span class="customTooltip warningTooltip"><em>Warning</em>Tooltip message goes here!</span></a>
highlight-1 <span class="gkHighlight1">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
highlight-2 <span class="gkHighlight2">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
highlight-3 <span class="gkHighlight3">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
highlight-4 <span class="gkHighlight4">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
highlight-5 <span class="gkHighlight5">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
pre <pre>code</pre>
code1 <div class="gkCode1">code</div>
code2 <div class="gkCode2">code</div>
code3 <div class="gkCode3">code</div>
bullet1 <ul class="gkBullet1"><li>Element</li></ul>
bullet2 <ul class="gkBullet2"><li>Element</li></ul>
bullet3 <ul class="gkBullet3"><li>Element</li></ul>
bullet4 <ul class="gkBullet4"><li>Element</li></ul>
circle1 <ul class="gkCircle1"><li>Element</li></ul>
circle2 <ul class="gkCircle2"><li>Element</li></ul>
square1 <ul class="gkSquare1"><li>Element</li></ul>
square2 <ul class="gkSquare2"><li>Element</li></ul>
roman <ol class="gkRoman"><li>Element</li></ol>
dec <ol class="gkDec"><li>Element</li></ol>
alpha <ol class="gkAlpha"><li>Element</li></ol>
decimalLeadingZero <ol class="gkDecimalLeadingZero"><li>Element</li></ol>
number1 <p class="numblocks num-1"><span>here goes a number</span>text of element</p>
number2 <p class="numblocks num-2"><span>here goes a number</span>text of element</p>
number3 <p class="numblocks num-3"><span>here goes a number</span>text of element</p>
block1 <div class="gkblock-1">content here...</div>
block2 <div class="gkblock-2">content here...</div>
block3 <div class="gkblock-3">content here...</div>
block4 <div class="gkblock-4">content here...</div>
block5 <div class="gkblock-5">content here...</div>
block6 <div class="gkblock-6">content here...</div>
block7 <div class="gkblock-7">content here...</div>
block8 <div class="gkblock-8">content here...</div>
block9 <div class="gkblock-9">content here...</div>
bubble1 <div class="bubble-1">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble2 <div class="bubble-2">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble3 <div class="bubble-3">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble4 <div class="bubble-4">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble5 <div class="bubble-5">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble6 <div class="bubble-6">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
legend1 <div class="gkLegend1"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>
legend2 <div class="gkLegend2"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>
legend3 <div class="gkLegend3"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>
legend4 <div class="gkLegend4"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>
abbr <abbr title="Here goes full word or phrase">here goes an abbreviation</abbr>
acronym <acronym title="Here goes full phrase">here goes an acronym</acronym>
dropcap1 <p><span class="gkDropcap1">t</span> to make the first letter larger</p>
dropcap2 <p><span class="gkDropcap2">t</span> to make the first letter larger</p>
dropcap3 <p><span class="gkDropcap3">t</span> to make the first letter larger</p>
blockquote1 <blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote1"><div>Your quoted text goes here!</div></div></blockquote>
blockquote2 <blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote2"><div>Your quoted text goes here!</div></div></blockquote>
blockquote3 <blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote3"><div>Your quoted text goes here!</div></div></blockquote>
blockquote4 <blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote4"><div>Your quoted text goes here!</div></div></blockquote>
blockTextLeft <span class="gkBlockTextLeft">Block of text</span>
blockTextRight <span class="gkBlockTextRight">Block of text</span>
blockTextCenter <span class="gkBlockTextCenter">Block of text</span>

Deactivating the plugin for the typography button made that list disappear, but the button itself was also gone although I want to use typography.

Looking forward to your help.
User avatar
Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:12 pm
Hi. It looks like broken typography plugin.
You can still use typography even without plugin, just insert right code in HTML mode.

p.s.Since when you have this problem? Did you update plugin from package or use old quickstart?
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:11 pm
Temporary, I suppose disable typo plugin, and use typo class coping from Typography article in HTML mode. This always works. In mean time I will ask our developer to fix it
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:19 pm
Hi Pawel,

thanks for your temporary solutions. It's not, that my site isn't working because of this issue. It's mainly about convenience. The problem appeared after installing the quickstart package v2.16.2. I haven't done any update to v2.17 yet, but will do so soon and keep you informed about the result.

Best regards.
User avatar
Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:42 pm
You can update template, do not worry.

I have additional question, how many GK templates you have installed on this Joomla that you have problem with Typo. Because sometimes when you have installed too many templates plugin goes crazy.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:24 pm
Hi Pawel,

eSport is the only GK-Template that is installed besides the standard Joomla templates.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:38 pm
Thanks for info I will inform again our developer team.
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Platinum Boarder
