Hi everybody!
After installing the quickstart-package (Jomla 2.5), I'm having problems with the typography plugin.
On some pages in the backend (e. g. adding/editting products) everything is fine, but when I want to edit categories, a long list of all the typography parameters is displayed right above the editor:
info1 <p class="gkInfo1">Your info message goes here!</p>
info2 <p class="gkInfo2">Your info message goes here!</p>
tips1 <p class="gkTips1">Your info message goes here!</p>
tips2 <p class="gkTips2">Your info message goes here!</p>
warning1 <p class="gkWarning1">Your info message goes here!</p>
warning2 <p class="gkWarning2">Your info message goes here!</p>
H1 <h1>Heading 1</h1>
H2 <h2>Heading 1</h2>
H3 <h3>Heading 1</h3>
H4 <h4>Heading 1</h4>
head1 <p class="gkHeadline">Your Headline</p><p class="gkSubHeadline">Your Subheadline</p>
head2 <p class="gkSmallHeadline">Small Headline</p><p class="gkLargeHeadline">Large Headline</p>
audio <p class="gkAudio">Your audio message goes here!</p>
webcam <p class="gkWebcam">Your webcam message goes here!</p>
email <p class="gkEmail">Your email message goes here!</p>
creditcard <p class="gkCreditcard">Your creditcard message goes here!</p>
feed <p class="gkFeed">Your feed message goes here!</p>
help <p class="gkHelp">Your help message goes here!</p>
images <p class="gkImages">Your image message goes here!</p>
lock <p class="gkLock">Your lock message goes here!</p>
printer <p class="gkPrinter">Your pritner message goes here!</p>
report <p class="gkReport">Your report message goes here!</p>
script <p class="gkScript">Your script message goes here!</p>
time <p class="gkTime">Your time message goes here!</p>
user <p class="gkUser">Your user message goes here!</p>
world <p class="gkWorld">Your world message goes here!</p>
cart <p class="gkCart">Your cart message goes here!</p>
cd <p class="gkCd">Your cd message goes here!</p>
chart_bar <p class="gkChartBar">Your chart bar message goes here!</p>
chart_line <p class="gkChartLine">Your chart line message goes here!</p>
chart_pie <p class="gkChartPie">Your chart pie message goes here!</p>
clock <p class="gkClock">Your clock message goes here!</p>
cog <p class="gkCog">Your cog message goes here!</p>
coins <p class="gkCoins">Your coins message goes here!</p>
compress <p class="gkComporess">Your compress message goes here!</p>
computer <p class="gkComputer">Your computer message goes here!</p>
cross <p class="gkCrpss">Your cross message goes here!</p>
disk <p class="gkDisk">Your disk message goes here!</p>
error <p class="gkError">Your error message goes here!</p>
exclamation <p class="gkExclamation">Your lock message goes here!</p>
fil <p class="gkFilm">Your film message goes here!</p>
folder <p class="gkFolder">Your folder message goes here!</p>
group <p class="gkGroup">Your group message goes here!</p>
heart <p class="gkHeart">Your heart message goes here!</p>
house <p class="gkHouse">Your house message goes here!</p>
image <p class="gkImage">Your image message goes here!</p>
information <p class="gkInformation">Your information message goes here!</p>
magnifier <p class="gkMagnifier">Your magnifier message goes here!</p>
money <p class="gkMoney">Your money message goes here!</p>
new <p class="gkNew">Your new message goes here!</p>
note <p class="gkNote">Your note message goes here!</p>
page <p class="gkPage">Your page message goes here!</p>
page_white <p class="gkPageWhite">Your page white message goes here!</p>
plugin <p class="gkPlugin">Your plugin message goes here!</p>
accept <p class="gkAccept">Your accept message goes here!</p>
add <p class="gkAdd">Your add message goes here!</p>
camera <p class="gkCamera">Your camera message goes here!</p>
brick <p class="gkBrick">Your brick message goes here!</p>
box <p class="gkBox">Your box message goes here!</p>
calendar <p class="gkCalendar">Your calendar message goes here!</p>
class <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Classic Tooltip Anchor<span class="classic">Tooltip message goes here !</span></a>
critical <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Critical Tooltip<span class="customTooltip criticalTooltip"><em>Critical Tooltip</em>Tooltip message goes here!</span></a>
help <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Help<span class="customTooltip helpTooltip"><em>Help</em>Tooltip message goes here!</span></a>
information <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Information<span class="customTooltip infoTooltip"><em>Information</em>Tooltip message goes here!</span></a>
warning <a class="gkTooltip" href="#">Warning<span class="customTooltip warningTooltip"><em>Warning</em>Tooltip message goes here!</span></a>
highlight-1 <span class="gkHighlight1">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
highlight-2 <span class="gkHighlight2">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
highlight-3 <span class="gkHighlight3">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
highlight-4 <span class="gkHighlight4">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
highlight-5 <span class="gkHighlight5">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>
pre <pre>code</pre>
code1 <div class="gkCode1">code</div>
code2 <div class="gkCode2">code</div>
code3 <div class="gkCode3">code</div>
bullet1 <ul class="gkBullet1"><li>Element</li></ul>
bullet2 <ul class="gkBullet2"><li>Element</li></ul>
bullet3 <ul class="gkBullet3"><li>Element</li></ul>
bullet4 <ul class="gkBullet4"><li>Element</li></ul>
circle1 <ul class="gkCircle1"><li>Element</li></ul>
circle2 <ul class="gkCircle2"><li>Element</li></ul>
square1 <ul class="gkSquare1"><li>Element</li></ul>
square2 <ul class="gkSquare2"><li>Element</li></ul>
roman <ol class="gkRoman"><li>Element</li></ol>
dec <ol class="gkDec"><li>Element</li></ol>
alpha <ol class="gkAlpha"><li>Element</li></ol>
decimalLeadingZero <ol class="gkDecimalLeadingZero"><li>Element</li></ol>
number1 <p class="numblocks num-1"><span>here goes a number</span>text of element</p>
number2 <p class="numblocks num-2"><span>here goes a number</span>text of element</p>
number3 <p class="numblocks num-3"><span>here goes a number</span>text of element</p>
block1 <div class="gkblock-1">content here...</div>
block2 <div class="gkblock-2">content here...</div>
block3 <div class="gkblock-3">content here...</div>
block4 <div class="gkblock-4">content here...</div>
block5 <div class="gkblock-5">content here...</div>
block6 <div class="gkblock-6">content here...</div>
block7 <div class="gkblock-7">content here...</div>
block8 <div class="gkblock-8">content here...</div>
block9 <div class="gkblock-9">content here...</div>
bubble1 <div class="bubble-1">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble2 <div class="bubble-2">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble3 <div class="bubble-3">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble4 <div class="bubble-4">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble5 <div class="bubble-5">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
bubble6 <div class="bubble-6">content here...<cite>Author here</cite></div>
legend1 <div class="gkLegend1"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>
legend2 <div class="gkLegend2"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>
legend3 <div class="gkLegend3"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>
legend4 <div class="gkLegend4"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>
abbr <abbr title="Here goes full word or phrase">here goes an abbreviation</abbr>
acronym <acronym title="Here goes full phrase">here goes an acronym</acronym>
dropcap1 <p><span class="gkDropcap1">t</span> to make the first letter larger</p>
dropcap2 <p><span class="gkDropcap2">t</span> to make the first letter larger</p>
dropcap3 <p><span class="gkDropcap3">t</span> to make the first letter larger</p>
blockquote1 <blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote1"><div>Your quoted text goes here!</div></div></blockquote>
blockquote2 <blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote2"><div>Your quoted text goes here!</div></div></blockquote>
blockquote3 <blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote3"><div>Your quoted text goes here!</div></div></blockquote>
blockquote4 <blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote4"><div>Your quoted text goes here!</div></div></blockquote>
blockTextLeft <span class="gkBlockTextLeft">Block of text</span>
blockTextRight <span class="gkBlockTextRight">Block of text</span>
blockTextCenter <span class="gkBlockTextCenter">Block of text</span>
Deactivating the plugin for the typography button made that list disappear, but the button itself was also gone although I want to use typography.
Looking forward to your help.