Registration problem?

Winter sport ecommerce template for Joomla with VirtueMart support
GK User
Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:10 pm
Hello in your esport template there something missing.. If you put something in shopping cart and you are not registered it takes you to checkout page and gives you options to choose for shipping and paying. When you choose shipping it pops a message "Please select a shipment method
We are sorry, no shipment method matches the characteristics of your order." (see And this happens because there is no shipping address set, because the user is not registered.
The problem is that it doesn't give the registration option although it is enabled from virtuemart for unregistered users to register ( It only gives login option. So we loose clients like this because they don't have the option to register!!!

Is it possible someone can help to put register underneath login, so unregistered users to get registered?
Please reply because we are live now and is not a functional website!
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GK User
Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:21 am
First of all registration process is always disabled at our demo pages. Secondly, the issue depends of VirtueMart not our template, we just add styles for VirtueMart views but we don't add/remove any VM features. Please try to contact with VirtueMart support.
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