Hi all,
I have had a long search on that issue, but found nothing.
The buttons "add to cart" and other buttons (change currency, log in) are not what they should be. They are ok in safari 6.0.2 on my mac, ok in firefox 18.0.2, ok in chrome 24.0.1312.57, ok in ie 8 (windows of course).
But on my iphone 4S (desktop version), ipad 4 using safari or google chrome (same engine I guess) the button is rounded and not nice looking.
see picture from my ipad :
[img] [/img]
The problem can be seen on ipad and iphone on this link (demo gavick) :
It gives the same problem on a fresh site installed and updated to the latest versions of virtuemart (2.0.18a) and joomla (2.5.9) and the latest version of eSport template (2.14.1).
Any help possible ?
Thanks guys