I've encountered a problem with new site vistors unable to register on my site. I need to resolve this asap, please help.
The issue came up on my KeyCaptcha (very nice plugin), after communicating in their forum was told I need to "comment this"... I'm not sure how to do that. Below is my issue I'm experiencing: at https://golfsgreatheritage.com
My site has a login and register option (top right of all pages). Wen you choose "register" (as in new user) the user fields appear for visitor to enter and complete, but the keycaptcha does not appear, THIS IS A PROBLEM BECAUSE after they enter their info and submit - they fail (a registration error is noted to them). However, if you choose Login, instead of Register, you can then see an option "Register" and their a registration DOES WORK. Login also works. (works means the keycaptcha is there and all is successful).
The Keycaptcha forum nailed it down easily with this reply:
Part 1- Problem is in popup window.
You are using some plugin for registration. When you click "register" then it shows hidden registration div (which has no code for showing captcha).
Part 2 - In file /templates/gk_esport/js/gk.scripts.js you can find such code:
if(document.id('gkPopupRegister')) {
popup_register = document.id('gkPopupRegister');
popup_register.setStyle('display', 'block');
popup_register_h = popup_register.getElement('.gkPopupWrap').getSize().y;
popup_register_fx = new Fx.Morph(popup_register, {duration:200, transition: Fx.Transitions.Circ.easeInOut}).set({'opacity': 0, 'height': 0 });
document.id('btnRegister').addEvent('click', function(e) {
new Event(e).stop();
popup_register_fx.start({'opacity':1, 'height': popup_register_h});
opened_popup = 'register';
This code is responsible for showing popup window when you click link with id="btnRegister".
So after clicking you will see popup instead of go straight to the registration page.
Since we can't show captcha in popup you can comment this code, and after this by clicking you will go to registration page (which has working captcha.
Gavick - please help me know what needs to happen to get new users enabled again on my site, I'm stuck here as I don't know how to "comment code" as they've mentioned. Or, maybe you have a better solution?
Thank You (urgently)!