
Winter sport ecommerce template for Joomla with VirtueMart support
GK User
Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:58 pm
Hello everyone,

i want to use the eSport template to build an online-shop.
I just want to use the template as the base and change the entire design according to my personal belongings.
For that reason, i want to change the font for Headlines and make use off @font-face.
Unfortunately, i dont know how to do this exactly. My problem is, that the template has configurated for example the "play" font and i don't find any css file in wich i can change that font.

I think it is hidden in some script file, because that font is loaded from googlefonts.

Can somebody tell me in what file i can change the fonts?

Sincerly, phil
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GK User
Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:08 pm
Ok, im kind of blind. I've to use squirrel, but there is still a question regarding that service.
If i generate a @font-face kit with the squirrel-generator, will my font be uploaded to their server and published?

I'm asking that because, i just have a license to use that font on my own website (with @font-face).
I can't upload it on a font-service so that everybody can us it...
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GK User
Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:42 pm
I've to admit that this wasn't a very smart thread at all :)
Guess, i slept to short or something...

Next time, i try to search better before i post a question.
However, maybe this can be usefull for somebody with the same question.

Font-Squirrel is not adding your font to their library.
It stays just about 30 minutes on their server.
They won't use the font or do anything like that.

Here is a thread about it: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/forum/discu ... font-files
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