You could try to use this code:
- Code: Select all
// include fonts
$font_iter = 1;
while($this->getParam('font_name_group'.$font_iter, 'gkFontNull') !== 'gkFontNull') {
$font_data = explode(';', $this->getParam('font_name_group'.$font_iter, ''));
if(isset($font_data) && count($font_data) >= 2) {
$font_type = $font_data[0];
$font_name = $font_data[1];
if($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') != ''){
if($font_type == 'standard') {
$this->addCSSRule($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') . ' { font-family: ' . $font_name . '; }'."\n");
} elseif($font_type == 'google') {
$font_link = preg_replace('/https?:/m', '', $font_data[2]);
$font_family = $font_data[3];
$this->addCSSRule($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') . ' { font-family: \''.$font_family.'\', Arial, sans-serif; }'."\n");
} elseif($font_type == 'squirrel') {
$this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/fonts/' . $font_name . '/stylesheet.css');
$this->addCSSRule($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') . ' { font-family: ' . $font_name . ', Arial, sans-serif; }'."\n");
} elseif($font_type == 'adobe') {
$font_name = explode(":", $font_name);
$font_name = $font_name[0];
$this->API->addCSSRule($this->API->get('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') . ' { font-family: ' . $font_name . ', Arial, sans-serif; }'."\n");
taken from templates/gk_the_real_design/layouts/blocks/head.php
and implement it in:
But its just the draft of things to do, as mobile version uses different styles also.
Sadly its a customization beyond our support.