Creating Blog like demo site

Business template for Joomla 3 and 2.5 ideal to create blog or personal website.
GK User
Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:49 am
I believe I set my blog up so that each new article created under therealdesign blog category automatically goes on this page.

I published a module in the right position but it got pushed to the very bottom instead of covering the right side of the page. How do I make it so it stays?

The demo has a few modules on the right side of the page. ... .php/blog#

Also, what is the "popular" "design picks" and "k2 commands" that are shown here and how can I utilize them on my own site?

Perhaps one day you guys can have video tutorials. = )

Thank you for all your help!
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GK User
Fri Jun 07, 2013 3:35 am
Let me rephrase my question.

On the blog main page, there is a lot of white space on the right side of the page.

There is one article that if I click on it separately, all the modules that were pushed to the bottom are now on the right side of the page. How can I make it so that it is like this throughout the whole blog?
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