Slideshow doesn't work in Internet Explorer

Business template for Joomla 3 and 2.5 ideal to create blog or personal website.
GK User
Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:25 pm
Hello Gavickpro Team:)

My website:

I'm using the latest version of the "theRealdesign" Template. I installed the quick installation with all the demo stuff. Everything is working fine in the browsers, but I failed changing the demo images on the header slide show.

If I just go in the module parameters of the slide show and change the image source of a slide (and uploaded the image before) it doesn't appear in the frontend. So I uploaded an image with for example the name "logo.png." in the "/images" folder. With firebug I found out that the images used in the demo are also located in the folder "/modules/mod_image_show_gk4/cache/". For example "demo.img3-1gk-is-228.png". These image names are new for me with a "." in it. I also uploaded my image "logo.png" to this folder and named it "logogk-is-1.png". After this step the image appears in the frontend, if I chose "/images/logo.png" in the module parameters. I don't unterstand the system of that, could you please explain me how to change these images which I can choose in the slide.

Another problem is that the slide show doesn't work in the Internet Explorer. There is just the hint "loading" but nothing happens. On the beginning after installing the demo content it worked in all browsers, but maybe after I changed an image it failed. Could you have a look?

I deleted the "Top menu" in the menu overview and set the home site to the "footer menu". Than the menu just appears on the footer as I want it but now the same menu also appears on the top right position and I dont no why. Also if I unpublish my footer menu with the home site, the menu on the top is still there. Could you tell me how to delete or unpublish the produced menu on the top right.

Thank you very much!
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Jan 17, 2012 2:16 am

This extra menu has to be a module, so try to locate it and unpublish.

For Photoslide issue try set permissions of 777 for /mod_image_show_gk4/cache/
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GK User
Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:57 pm
Thank you for your fast answer.

I tried a lot of times to find a module which is published on this module position, but I really can't find it.

I set all folder permissions right and also mod_image_show_gk4/cache/ to 777 but it still doesn't work in the Internet Explorer.

I emailed you administrator details. Would be really kind if you could have a look for the module which I can't find and if you just upload any picture to any of my slides and tell me how you did it because for me it doesn't work adding new images to the slideshow.

Thank you very much,
Kind Regards,
Moritz Meyer
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:45 am

Ok. I've checked it but need a little more informations about what You have installed/uninstalled. Like You can see on our demo site this module is working propperly under IE , so I suspect javascript conflict.

Try also update the module to the latest version. Maby there were a fix I do not know about.
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GK User
Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:15 pm

teitbite wrote:Hi

Ok. I've checked it but need a little more informations about what You have installed/uninstalled. Like You can see on our demo site this module is working propperly under IE , so I suspect javascript conflict.

Try also update the module to the latest version. Maby there were a fix I do not know about.

I found that I had the same problem. It was caused by having a slide without an image in it. I wanted to demonstrate that the slideshow could be used with just text and no images, but it cannot in IE. Deleting the slide without an image fixed the problem immediately. To make slides without an image, will have to use a transparent gif, most likely.
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:38 pm

Yes this is a solution for an Image Show without an image, but I think this is not a common manner to use it like that. Anyway I still did not recived an information about the core problem of this thread, so cannot help with it yet.
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