multilanguage - mainmenu problem

Responsive Joomla template for Entertainment and Music purpose with clean and lightweight design.
GK User
Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:02 pm

the main menu can not be placed in a different language, only accepts one, the default, I need to place it in Spanish, English, Portuguese and others

main menu template no position, how can I fix it, I need the site to be multilingual

unable to place the menu in different languages, I can not assign modules and the items to different languages

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Platinum Boarder

Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:20 pm

Here is an instruction how multilanguage should be build ... oomla-1-7/

I would advice to use Falang component and translate menu and other elements. That's what I'm using and it is the fastest way I know.
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GK User
Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:43 pm
I have everything that I created and it is not working

even have modules and items allocated but it is not working my main menu for Spanish and differential for English language language as it has no position, I only work the main overall menu no matter if I have or not assigned to any menu, if despublico disappears and does not appear in the Spanish and the English




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Platinum Boarder

Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:49 pm

Menu doesn't have a module position. Please take a closer look into the instruction I gave You. It's explained there step by step.

Other languages menus only needs to have a Home element, nothing more. All menu options should be in one menu but just attached to a language it should be shown in.

If You want to use it as You have now than I would advice to make a copy of template style and attache whole menus to style attached to a different languages.
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GK User
Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:11 pm
hi, me and turned out well, I needed to copy the template and to place the language, thank you very much

Now, my question is this, when you change the logo, you should modify it true, as I need a special one for each language

change it, but did not change, not even if the cache

I would have to do?
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Platinum Boarder

Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:37 pm

I think logo is being set per style so You sould just be able to set a different logo to each style in template settings. If not than I will need ftp access to find some workaround.
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GK User
Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:15 am
I just give an account ftp

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Platinum Boarder

Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:47 pm

I got the access, but than I figured out how this can be done :) So ftp was not neccessary after all. We can use website language signature and CSS. Like this:

Code: Select all
html[lang="en-gb"] h1#gkLogo a.cssLogo {
    background-image: url("Url to english logo");

html[lang="es-es"] h1#gkLogo a.cssLogo {
    background-image: url("Url to spanish logo");
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GK User
Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:16 am
Where do I put that? overider?
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Platinum Boarder

Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:25 pm

In override.css, this is the file prepared for any css overrides. Just please make sure override is enabled in template settings in order to use this file.
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GK User
Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:54 pm
some people have told me that they will have the English version and I have the Spanish version by default

How can I fix this or that happen?
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Platinum Boarder

Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:57 pm

In language selection plugin You may enable/disable to select lenguage by a browser default one.
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