Hi, is not working properly the mobile section despublico what, nothing happens and then when I use it and put the menu does not work
http://quirktools.com/screenfly/#u=http ... 0&a=33&p=1
GKParser::$customRules['/<script type="text\/javascript">(.*?)<\/script>/mis'] = '';
GKParser::$customRules['/<script type="text\/javascript" src="(.*?)media\/system\/js(.*?)"><\/script>/mi'] = '';
teitbite wrote:Hi
I'm not sure if this is the cause, but please edit all files in /layout/blocks/mobile/ folder and remove this lines of code:
- Code: Select all
GKParser::$customRules['/<script type="text\/javascript">(.*?)<\/script>/mis'] = '';
GKParser::$customRules['/<script type="text\/javascript" src="(.*?)media\/system\/js(.*?)"><\/script>/mi'] = '';
# music - November 2011 template (for Joomla 1.6/1.7)
# Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Gavick.com. All Rights Reserved.
# License: Copyrighted Commercial Software
# Website: http://www.gavick.com
# Support: [email protected]
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