Using the Music Free template on, I have a lot of image-based external links, each using text, image and (Extra Field) Target URL from a K2 Item. Only when the mouse has hovered over one of those images for a second or two I'd like to display a tooltip with the image caption and/or credits from that K2 Item, and possibly an external link to the original full-size image. Better still if the tooltip could fade in gracefully. I'm already using a hacked K2 Item sub-template, so I can grab the caption and credits and insert the code for generating the tooltip inside that sub-template
If there's already something available like that in the template that would be outstanding. Otherwise, I'm looking for a recommendation for a plug-in or something. Some of the likely-looking Joomla plugins are based on jQuery, including JU Tooltip, which looks very promising. Should I avoid jQuery in general, or in any case is there a more likely solution for this?