Music Template layout breaks with IE 8 & 9

Responsive Joomla template for Entertainment and Music purpose with clean and lightweight design.
GK User
Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:38 pm

Prior to go-live, I have been testing my site in all major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE).

Everything is working perfectly, with one exception: my directory listing pages do not display properly in IE8 or IE9.

I have attached some example screenshots.

This is what it should look like (and what is does look like in non-IE browsers):

Directory in Other Browsers.png

Here is what is looks like in IE:

Directory in IE.png

Any idea of what could be causing this?

Kind Regards

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GK User
Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:58 pm

With some experimentation I have managed to solve the problem - related to a css/js caching tool in use on the site. Everything now working perfectly.


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