Hi again
Well... first let us fix something that i found on this template. It doesn't have any relation with this issue, but it's a bug fix nevertheless
I found that the selection "Disabled on selected pages" option on Font-size switcher doesn't display form field. So please open the following file ../gk_music/admin/scripts.js and find this fragment:
- Code: Select all
// tools forms
if(document.id('jform_params_tools').value != 'selected') document.id('jform_params_tools_for_pages-lbl').getParent().setStyle('display','none');
'change' : function() {
if(document.id('jform_params_tools').value == 'selected') document.id('jform_params_tools_for_pages-lbl').getParent().setStyle('display','block');
else document.id('jform_params_tools_for_pages-lbl').getParent().setStyle('display','none');
replace with:
- Code: Select all
// tools forms
if(document.id('jform_params_tools').value != 'selected' && document.id('jform_params_tools').value != 'selected_disabled') document.id('jform_params_tools_for_pages-lbl').getParent().setStyle('display','none');
'change' : function() {
if(document.id('jform_params_tools').value == 'selected' || document.id('jform_params_tools').value == 'selected_disabled') document.id('jform_params_tools_for_pages-lbl').getParent().setStyle('display','block');
else document.id('jform_params_tools_for_pages-lbl').getParent().setStyle('display','none');
This will be added on next update of Music Template.
Now for your issue, the easy solution is to create a second breadcrumbs position. So follow my steps:
1) Open ../gk_music/templateDetails.xml file and add new position after:
- Code: Select all
so it should be
- Code: Select all
2) Open ../gk_music/lib/framework/gk.const.php and add replace:
- Code: Select all
'breadcrumb' => 'none',
- Code: Select all
'breadcrumb' => 'none',
'breadcrumb2' => 'none',
3) Open ../gk_music/layouts/blocks/main.php and find line 77:
- Code: Select all
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="mainbody" style="<?php echo $this->module_styles['mainbody']; ?>" />
and replace with:
- Code: Select all
<?php if($this->modules('breadcrumb2') || $this->getToolsOverride()) : ?>
<div id="gkBreadcrumb" class="hide_mbread">
<?php if($this->modules('breadcrumb2')) : ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="breadcrumb2" style="<?php echo $this->module_styles['breadcrumb2']; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if($this->getToolsOverride()) : ?>
<?php $this->loadBlock('tools/tools'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="mainbody" style="<?php echo $this->module_styles['mainbody']; ?>" />
4) Go to Modules Manager and copy breadcrumbs module and publish/assign only on the page that you want to display mainbody position before component.
5) Still on Modules Manager, find the default breadcrumbs module and deselect assignment only on the page that you want to display mainbody position before component.
6) Go to template parameters > advanced settings and enable the use of css override.
7) Open ../gk_music/css/override.css and add this line:
- Code: Select all
.hide_mbread + div + div #gkMainbodyWrap #gkBreadcrumb {visibility: hidden}
I think i didn't forget anything.
Remember that this is custom work and you need to take this changes on future updates.