1. I wanted to change the titles of the header tabs. So I went to the module ''Header tab'' -> tabs, but there is no tabs here and the button ''add new tab'' is not working. Am I doing it the right way?
2. In attachment 1 I want to reduce the space where I have written ''1'' Can you please give me the CSS code I need to add at the back end? This is the K2 article: http://islamqa.no/kategorier/islamske-v ... r-det-selv
3. In attachment 1 I want to reduce the font size where I have written ''2'' Can you please give me the CSS code I need to add at the back end?
4. Attachment 2 is from the front page of another similar site I am developing www.islamqav.com Here I am using the component HWD mediashare for videos. As you can see the modules on the picture are to close the titles of the tabs. I wan to add some space between the tab-titles and the content from the module. Can you please give me the CSS code I need to add at the back end?
Thank you very much for the help