Pic. size in K2 not changing at all

GK User
Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:46 pm

I want to change the size of the pic. view in categori display, and in the "normal" view, but this is SO tricky, I cant see my changes is working at all :-(

Pls. help needed fast ;-)

BR, Wiberg

1. Smaller size in this view : http://mortenwiberg.dk/index.php/blog-2
2. Smaller size in this vies : http://mortenwiberg.dk/index.php/blog-2/item/47-damper
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GK User
Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:42 am

Start by understanding that K2 settings are inherit or overruled.
So if you go to K2 Component > Parameters (on the top right side) you can set with in px for default images sizes. Those are the settings that the component will use for all, except if you add different size on some category (this will overrule the component settings).
Even if you do this step you can even change size on specific k2 item that will overrule the component and category settings.

Hope you understand the way it works ;)
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