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Message Subject : Re: checkboxes disappears
Category : Support
Posted by : gyroglm
Message :
The template is myFolio, from GavickPro. They have just introduced a new v3 responsive framework called Gavern. It could be that.
This is another example of my current pet hate - virtual stylesheets. Some templates load all the css then run a javascript which combines them into one sheet organised for faster access by the browser. This one seems to have done that at the page generation stage, then apparently (according to the page source) stored it in the directory /cache/gk, although Firebug reports it as being the page itself (contact.html).
I checked a recent 2.5 Gavick template I have but it doesn't do this.
URL references are relative to the stylesheet itself, so when it is in /components/com_foxcontact/css, it has ../../../ to return to the top-level(root) directory, then follows the path media.... to the image.
So if it were in that cache directory, the path should really be ../../media....
But actually, it is effectively(virtually?) in the directory contact.html (because the SEF page url is /index.php/contact.html) and so the path to the root is ../, and the correct path to the image should be ../media/com_foxcontact/images/checkbox-unchecked.png. And if Firebug is used to change both .fox_cbspan_true and .fox_cbspan_false it to that, the checkboxes magically appear on the form.
So yes, I fully agree with Fox that this is the fault of the GavickPro template/framework, or some other stylesheet optimising plug-in you have.
Message :
You have a 3rd party plugin or framework or template feature which corrupt Fox Contact stylesheet.
The page should load the file neon.css, but it doesn't. The css is corrupted then embedded in the html source.
Your statement
- Code: Select all
.fox_cbspan_false {
background-image: url('//media/com_foxcontact/images/checkbox-unchecked.png');
should be instead
- Code: Select all
.fox_cbspan_false {
background-image: url("../../../media/com_foxcontact/images/checkbox-unchecked.png");
Please detect what's the extension that hurts and tell us for inclusion in the
Fox Contact Conflicting extension list ( ... sions.html).
Afterwards, disable it or ask the developer to fix it.