I am not a designer and it shows up big time when ever I try to change anything.
In my site most of the stories are automatically ploaded from emails which have a subject in the subject line and then in the content of the email its-self the real heading. We are trying to have our layouts reflect this using bth the subject line in the email as the first heading and then the real headline or title of the story in the content.
In your layouts you have the first heading as the largest which in our case doesnt suit. We want the the first heading seen on the screen to be smaller than the story heading which comes second and in the content. As we would like to uese the first heading seen on the screen as a bit of a sub heading and more general.
I have tried to adjust this but its has lost its designed look. Have you any suggestions what to set these two heading at to look better than my effort.
Thank you.
eg., http://www.polomagazines.com/polo-club- ... nouncement