K2 Frontend editing & Unable to load user with id: 54

GK User
Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:10 am
Hi, i already had read the other post for the Load user problem, deleted the predefined user and deleted all the K2 comments.
The error message is gone but i didn't find a button for the frontediting in K2 as it is described here:
http://community.getk2.org/video/front- ... ting-in-k2
Now i wonder if it has something to to with the betaversion, this "user"-error or the template?

I already have defined a user category an a user in the K2 ACL.

Jusing your "MyFolio" J1.7.2 Template, downloaded an hour ago,
local with Mamp Pro 1.83,
PHP 5.2.11,
MySQLi 5.1.37,
and all is writeable …
and there is no user with id:54, never was.

Can someone help?
Thanks Markus
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GK User
Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:30 am
Just had a quick install on this, if you are familiar with phpmyadmin follow below...

Browse to XXXXX_K2_Comments table and you will see there is 2 comments by user Paolo userid 54 , simply edit them to any available id e.g 42...
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GK User
Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:19 pm
[strike]Hi, don't know, i already deleted the comments and under user id i don't see any cleartext field with any number in phpmyadmin. But anyway, i now have reassigned the author and last modyfied from all K2 articles to another user and the K2 frontediting still doesn't appear.[/strike]

Oh, f…, i just didn't see it – now it has appeared. Sorry ;-)
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