Simple Image Gallery Positions

GK User
Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:10 pm
Hi I am fairly new to this but I it seems to me that there is no clear function in the K2 article editor to allocate where you want the Simple Image Gallery to be placed, either in or around an article.

For instance I have uploaded my zip of three images in my SIG tab in my K2 article saved it and published it.

The SIG slideshow appears at the bottom of my article. Is it possible to be able to allocate a position for this galley in different positions in my article say in between my tile and main article text?

Also if I choose to have an SIG slideshow instead of a single image there is no image or reference to that article in the 'Latest Projects' on the home page (just blank), at present if want this, I have to opt for both the 'single image' option and the 'image slideshow' in the K2 article editor but of course I get both 'single image' and 'simple image slideshow'in the article where I only want the gallery.

Basically I just need to find out a way of being able to be in control of where my gallery slideshow appears in my article.

Anyone's thoughts would be much appreciated.
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:13 am
You can edit the K2 html php files and move plugin position or gallery position but that will render all articles that way, what you can do is use Simple Image Gallery tags in your article...
Example as below:

So for example, if you have a folder called "my_trip_to_Paris" located in images/stories/my_trip_to_Paris, then you can create your gallery by simply entering the tag {gallery}my_trip_to_Paris{/gallery} in the article.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:23 pm
Thanks I did do that when using Joomla! 1.5 but didn't thing that it would be the same in K2.

Tried it and it works fine, I think there are a few people that insist on changing the item.php file which when I tried it messed up the template and other positions especially if you dont know what you're doing but this way is so much easier so thank you!

Is there a way then that I can have an image on the 'latest project' on the homepage without having it appear in the article itself?
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Fresh Boarder
