Wrong packaging in template file

GK User
Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:39 am
I've downloaded both the J!1.5 template file and the quickstart package and they create problems when installing.
Apparently they were compressed in a mac, because all these .DS_STORE file appear inside the packages, but also many of the files inside are duplicated with ._"file".
Maybe in a MAC environment all goes OK, but since I use windows, the template doesn't install properly and has a few configuration errors (example: can't change the template color, can't use overrides, can't disable cache) and duplicated CSS files in backend (please see attached screenshot).

This never happened with other templates.

Please replace the version in the downloads area with a properly compressed one.

Thank you in advance and best regards,
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:32 pm

Those files are generated by/to Mac OSX ;)
They don't do any damage on Windows or linux ;)
you can deleted if you wish
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:22 pm
Olá Paulo

Thanks for the reply, but anyway there is something wrong with the package file, because of all the errors I'm getting, not only in the template configuration, but also in components tranlation (K2), that work fine with any other template and get all messed up with this one. You can see it at http://white.visitcaramulo.org/Venha-Ca/Programas and http://www.visitcaramulo.org/Venha-Ca/Programas

I'm not the only one with these problems, pls see forum thread: 133-the-world-news-ii/92349-styling-issues.html

And yes, I can try to remove by hand all the ._"files" inside the template or the quickstart, but since they are dozens / hundreds, maybe it's easier to repackage the source file properly. With the other templates I never had these problems.

Obrigado e um abraço,
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:29 am
when i use the mac packages, there are a lot of errors in frontpage.
btw i use wamp 2.1.

Errors Screenshot
28-09-2011 18-24-17.jpg
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Fresh Boarder
