TWN2 1.7 Installation problem

GK User
Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:41 pm

I´ve just downloaded the template The World News II and then I created the database, user, and assigned it full privileges, but when I try to install joomla with gk_twn2_quickstart_J! I get stuck at the db connection step.

I uploaded the file gk_twn2_quickstart_J! and extracted it through the file manager page from the cpanel.

When I input all the fields at the db connection step, I get the following error message:

"An error occurred while trying to create the database xxxx (name of the db).
The user may not have enough privileges to create a database. The required database may need to be created separately before you can install Joomla!.

I select the following config:

Type of db: MySQL
Host name: localhost
Username: xxxx_xxxxx (the prefix is the site´s cpanel user name)
Database name: xxxx (withouth the prefix)
Old database process: I tried either Backup and Remove.

Please help!

Thanks and regards,
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GK User
Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:23 pm
hey man, I installed the quickstart with no problem yesterday ... followed the same steps

here's a couple of things that come to mind: the prefix (username) has to appear on both the DB and the DB user side.

The default DB is MySQLi

Also, when you set-up the user and the DB, do allow all privileges to the DB, and do not forget to affign the user to the DB upfront.

good luck!

here's my install from yesterday:

all works fine, including the FB login
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GK User
Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:55 pm
Hi, Yes, you´re right! Thanks for your help!

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