Dear Gavick team,
first of all thanks for this really stylish and useful template! I am still stunned by the look and amazed by some of the functions. And thanks for finally integrating K2!
However I as a journalist and not developer wanted to use the chance and point out some things that I have encountered while trying to get TWNII working and that might be actually interesting to some more people here. I might simply have not understood some things but I was really looking hard and couldn't find simple solutions.
Well first of all it is really tricky to get the languages to work in all components and to have the site display it properly. This really should be a bit easier. That is crucial to localize the site for the use as a newspaper substitution on a local level. Because most people in Germany's or other countries countryside still don't speak English and some functions therefore might be off-limits for them.
2nd is that I couldn't find any good component to simply upload pictures and have them displayed in a gallery with a possibility to add captions right in K2 or the editor. I am trying to create a local news site and I am thinking about the editors who have never used Joomla nor have they any experience how to edit something in HTML or wherever. In the Simple Image Gallery Pro, the caption can only be edited as a txt. And for Image Show GK4 I need to create a module each time I want a simple gallery in an article. I don't think I could teach that to any 50 year old journalist who is already stressed out with using a digital camera...
Is there any component that allows such function, or do I just need to edit something in an installed component? I think to make the site easily usable and intuitive for such people would really give Joomla a professional advantage to other CMS. Sorry if I might have just not understood how to work this simple.
Also I miss the documentation PDFs that you used to prepare for templates like you did for TWN. The Wiki is by far not that specialized yet.
Thanks for any answers to these topics.
Have a good day