uesrarea not in module

GK User
Sun Mar 18, 2012 6:40 pm
The module positions are not availble. I really need this area as a module and the way that the login/register buttons are coded you cannot use them as modules. Really need some support on this asap. I searched the forum and apparently there was a thread with a solution but the link to it does not work.
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Konrad M
Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:20 am
Can you explain a little more ?
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GK User
Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:44 pm
If you look at the template module positions it lists userarea as the upper right module for the template. Apparently this is not really there. The image for the template modules seems to be wrong in areas. For example the mainmenu is actually position-7. So the only areas really at the upper right of the module is the login module. This module though seems to just be coded to show two buttons and that is it. I wanted to put search up that module but it is not possible and since there is no userarea I am going to have to build a area up there to insert modules. Really have no clue why login was coded the way it was for that. If you can offer some insight it would be great.
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GK User
Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:30 am
Nevermind this issue can be closed. Based off of the solution provided in another thread for adding languages to that same area I was able to create my own module in that area on the right side of the logo section. For Joomla 2.5 you need to add it to the nav.php file located in layout/blocks I also added the module name to template.xml and added some custom css to layout.css.

My main gripe here is I wish that the module positions graphic that is provided with these templates were correct. Maybe the issue is the update to 2.5 and the fact that even though the template works with 2.5 there is no information on the differences between that and the older versions.
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