Hi, I use Image Show GK4. When I click to picture or title the module transfer me to corect article but without my setting for right side modules like for K2 article. (please, see the attachment)
ths mabos
Senior Boarder
GK User
Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:52 am
What you see on your right are modules and they are being assigned to show on specific menus. So if you don't want them showing you need to go to Extensions > Module Manager and find each module, edit its settings and on your left bottom you will see menu assignments. So select how or where you want them displayed.
See you around...
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:13 am
Hi, I understand what I have to do with setting of modules. The problem was with Image Show - it transfer me to K2 artikle with no modules - in spie of setting modules for that K2 article. Whan I use "normal" way by K2 Category I got K2 article with modules. I cound wait so long for answer and I reinstal joomla to 2.5 Now there is no problem with Image Show but is problem with font. My template is totaly diferent than demo Looks like bug. Still no answer.