I would like to create a blog for 2 users in Fin Bisiness Template (made from Quicksstart package in Joomla 2.5) and plan that all posts of them would be placed in chronological order. The menu item Blog is in main menu. When I clcik Blog menu item in Menu Manager and then click select "Select a Menu Item Type" window opens. I have only two options for blog there under the heading K2:
1.User page (blog)
2.Latest items from (one ore more) users and categories.
The layout in user page option is ok, but the problem is I need 2 bloggers to post their articles. If I choose "Latest items ...." the posts of bloggger A are shown in chronological order, then all posts of blogger B.
That is no good - I need 2 blogger's posts in chronological order. How can I make the blog page for 2 users and make it in chronological order?
Actually I want to make something similar to k2 team blog: http://getk2.org/blog