If i understood you correctly you just want to let people know they are already on that link (page). This can be done by css and javascript however javascript method needs customization and takes longer so following is by using css.
Going by your website following is what is happening and what you can do.
If i go to your example link what you posted below, sub menu on the right hand-side gets "active" css class applied. In that case you can use following css code in your override.css file. ( see bottom of the post for using override.css )
- Code: Select all
#gkWrap2 .box ul li.active a {
opacity: 0.5;
text-decoration: underline;
However if a user user clicks on your "Services" menu item then towards to bottom click on box "Investor Relations" css class gets changed to "item-xxx" xxx is a number. In this case it gets "item-296" so then there is nothing to distinguish between each current page/active link.
So this needs further testing. Can you add another sub menu on about us page and then we can see how the final html rendered.
So "about us" main item you have 4 sub items. So create a new menu module make links same as what you have under "about us" and position to show only under "About us " and its sub items.
override.css = /templates/gk_finance_business/css/override.css
Enable Override Feature = Joomla Admin > Extensions > Template Manager > Gk Finance Default > Advanced Settings > Css Override " On".
See you around...