Financial Business J1.7 New Installation

GK User
Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:23 pm
Just purchased and ready to install. I already have Joomla 1.7.2 installed on my OSX Lion Server with some extensions already running. I overwritten my 1.7.2 with the new Financial Business and turned out its the latest stable with security fixes 1.7.3. Now whats next.

Just checked whats in the Quickstart and seems the only plugin/ext it included is K2.

I will chmod 777 all the affected directories and
Shall I now install the;
Shall I unzip and install individually all of the rest of the files in;
gk_financial_business_rest_files_J!17; Modules, plugins, Sources,

where (which directory folders) should the Sources go?

This is quite a large undertaking, should there be a step by step document we can refer to as far as creating each position and links on this template/demo?
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GK User
Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:10 pm
Why isn't there any support reply here ???? We have a 16 hour difference and when I get back the following day, I am expecting a response from your support. I can not send a new one and expect support after 1 week !!!!!!!!!!
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GK User
Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:20 pm
Currently support is given via support tickets only. Please submit a ticket through Support > Support Desk.
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