reCaptcha from Register Button

GK User
Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:40 pm
HI Piotr, Looks like you are using the older K2 front the picture. I actually do exactly the same as you do. But, I do is create a page where each k2 item can inherit from. see my attached picture.

I believe the problem is in the template code. Can you help me please.

Did you look at my link in your PM? It was missing only FB. Which means, there is some weird code going on there.

thank you.
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GK User
Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:38 am
Hi rj45maximo, could you explain me what I need to do for achieve a working pop-up register with recaptcha?

i install a google plugin but nothing changes
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GK User
Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:26 pm
Hello, Here is what you need to do.

First, do you have joomla 2.5.x ? This I believe is for J2.5.x only.

Assuming you already downloaded and signup with google reCaptcha, you should already have a public and private keys. To verify, Go to your Extensions > plugin > Captcha - ReCaptcha
Open the plug in and insert your public and private keys on the right side where it says Basic Option.
Now, Make sure you Enable this plugin.

NOTE: If you have Gavick's System - GKreCaptcha in your plugin, DISABLE it. Joomla is now using google captcha-reCaptcha.

Second, Go to your Joomla > Site > Global Configuration
In Default Captcha, Select Captcha-ReCaptcha

Remove all your cookies and clean your browser.

Thats it. It should work now.

NB: There is still a problem on forget password and forget username - It is giving error in recaptcha which is no big deal. Its just a annoyance but it goes through anyway. This has been reported and Tietbite is working on it with his programmer right now.

kosmote wrote:Hi rj45maximo, could you explain me what I need to do for achieve a working pop-up register with recaptcha?

i install a google plugin but nothing changes
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