Social Media feed inputs are out of order within admin Features

GK User
Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:55 pm
It may have already been pointed out, but the way the items within the featured are are listed is off.

It says Facebook, then under it is the URL and Text for Twitter. Then it says Twitter, and below that are the two options for Facebook. Where can I change this code within the admin code so they're in order and make sense, or could you guys change that include file and make it available?

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GK User
Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:35 pm

Thank you for the report ;)
Please download attach file and replace templateDetails.xml file.

Them you need to change text and links on template parameters.

This will be added on next update.

Cheers ;)
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GK User
Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:19 am
Excellent, worked nicely. Thanks again.
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