Duplicate content cache bug present on mobile devices!

GK User
Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:48 am

The duplicate content bug is present on mobile devices when using the JTouch template on the Gavern framework. The JTouch template maintains it's own cache which seems to get screwed up by the Gavern platforms Cache which is required to prevent duplicate content errors caused by the Gavern framework.

I have set the JTouch cache below the Gavern cache plugins in the plugin order list, which has done nothing to relieve the problem.

The question is what do the Gavick/Gavern developers suggest to cure this issue caused by their frame work? Time is of the essence as this is on a site which should be live already! :cry:

Please try to offer a solution to this problem ASAP rather than leave it to sink down the forum unnoticed like that will make it go away.

Thanks in advance for any help that you maybe able to offer.
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GK User
Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:44 am
Our cache makes exactly the same like default Joomla! cache but for mobile and desktop + trigger one additional event to run framework functions. I don't know JTouch cache plugin but probably our template plugin and JTouch plugin are working in the same time which surely can't work - probably the only way is to use one cache plugin. Please also try to move JTOuch plugin higher in plugin hierarchy it should not cause any problems in desktop mode but for mobile it will be better.
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GK User
Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:09 am
Hi bkrztuk,

I should appologize for blaming Gavick for the Cache error. The guys at JTouch have explained that the issue is actually caused my Joomla's design approach for handling cache data. Which doesn't allow for caching two templates at the same time (as I understand it).

I tried running the JTouch plugin pre and post your Cache plugins and I still had the duplicate content issue on the mobile template.

The guys a JTouch are investigating to see if they can offer a patch to overcome the problem.

Thank you for your reply.

PS. Do you think that Gavick could provide an option in the advanced settings to allow third-party mobile template compatibility with your cache?
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GK User
Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:55 am
Probably both plugins JTOuch and our use similar way to cache based on default Joomla! cache plugins and this plugin don't provide any support for caching more than one template at the same time so this can be quite complicated. Of course there is some way to modify code to exclude views from cache but this is pointless because it just mean that cache will be not working in this parts.
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GK User
Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:13 am
Hi bkrztuk,

Thanks for giving more feedback. The issue is definitely related to the limitations for running multiple templates.

I'm working with the JTouch developer to see if we can find a solution to this problem at the moment. It's very annoying to say the least. It has put back the site launch unfortunately - which was already behind schedule.

This is really an issue that the core team should sort out so it functions the same for everyone. They have been aware of it for a long time and the move towards mobile and desktop templates for the same menu items.

Do you know if the cache system in J3.x addresses this limitation? I haven't got that deeply into J3 yet.

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GK User
Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:24 am
The Joomla! cache system is exactly the same in Joomla! 3.0 - it is really not complicated system it just save page source code to file and then load content from file.
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GK User
Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:43 pm
I finally moved this site up to the public root and there still seems to be an issue with duplicate content when the gkExtCache plugin is enabled. Once it's disabled the content is presented correctly - which is bizarre because it hasn't been an issue when the site was in a folder below the root. This is happening on the desktop view of the template. This is also happening on the mobile view which isn't using gkpixellove's built in mobile template again this issue wasn't present when the site was bellow the root. :huh:

Just in case you're interested or someone else experiences the same or similar behavior.
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GK User
Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:07 am
Both GK Cache and GK Ext Cache plugins need to be activated and default System cache plugin have to be disabled. Did you enable option called 'Use GK Cache' in template settings ?
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