ipad visulization not work

GK User
Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:46 pm

i'm using the pixellove template in my website.
I've problem in the ipad visualization and i see that there isn't a style for tablet.

There is an upgrade for that, because the desktop visualization do not work fine.

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Fresh Boarder

Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:31 pm

Please tell me what template version are You using and show me Your site.
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GK User
Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:41 pm
i'm using Pixellove v. 2.12 for Joomla 2.5.7

My website is www.maclaw.it, now is under construction. I'm sending you user and password en a PM

Muchas Gracias
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:05 pm

First of all please update to 2.13.

Than if problem will be still there please edit /layouts/blocks/head.php file and look for this code:

Code: Select all
<meta content="width=device-width" name="viewport">

try how website acts if this code will be change to:

Code: Select all
<meta content="width=1260px" name="viewport">
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GK User
Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:53 am
I upgraded to version 2.13 and does not work.

In the file "head.php" do not have the code "<meta content="width=device-width" name="viewport">."

Attached, the file code


Code: Select all

// This is the code which will be placed in the head section

// No direct access.

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

$favicon_image = $this->getParam('favicon_image', '');

if($favicon_image == '') {

   $favicon_image = $this->URLtemplate() . '/images/favicon.ico';

} else {

   $favicon_image = $this->URLbase() . $favicon_image;





   // check the color version

   $template_style = '';

    $template_color = '';

   if($this->getParam("stylearea", 1)) $template_style = (isset($_COOKIE['gk10_style']) ? $_COOKIE['gk10_style'] : $this->getParam("template_color", 1));

   else $template_style = $this->getParam("template_color", 1);


      if($this->getParam("stylearea", 1)) $template_color = (isset($_COOKIE['gk10_theme']) ? $_COOKIE['gk10_theme'] : $this->getParam("template_style", 1));

   else $template_color = $this->getParam("template_style", 1);

   // load the CSS files

   if($this->getParam('reset_css', '') != '') {

      $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/reset/'.$this->getParam('reset_css', '').'.css');



   $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/layout.css');

   $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/joomla.css');

   $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/template.css');

   $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/menu.css');

   $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/gk.stuff.css');


   if($this->getParam('typography', '1') == '1') {

      $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/typography.style'.$template_style.'.css');

      if($this->getParam('typo_iconset1', '1') == '1') $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/typography.iconset.1.css');   

      if($this->getParam('typo_iconset2', '1') == '1') $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/typography.iconset.2.css');   

      if($this->getParam('typo_iconset3', '1') == '1') $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/typography.iconset.3.css');   



   $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/style'.$template_style.'.css');



    if($template_color == "dark" || $template_color == 1)


        $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/dark.css');


    if($template_color == "light" || $template_color == 2)


        $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/light.css');




   if($this->getParam("css_override", '0')) {

      $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/override.css');



   if($this->getParam("css_prefixer", '0')) {

          $this->addJS($this->URLtemplate() . '/js/prefixfree.js');



    if($this->getParam("css_custom", '') != '') {

         $this->addCSSRule($this->getParam('css_custom', ''));



   if($this->getParam('css_compression', '0') == 1 || $this->getParam('css_cache', '0') == 1) {
     if($this->getParam('js_compression', '0') == 1 ) {

   // include fonts

   $font_iter = 1;


   while($this->getParam('font_name_group'.$font_iter, 'gkFontNull') !== 'gkFontNull') {
     $font_data = explode(';', $this->getParam('font_name_group'.$font_iter, ''));
     if(isset($font_data) && count($font_data) >= 2) {
          $font_type = $font_data[0];
          $font_name = $font_data[1];
          if($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') != ''){
               if($font_type == 'standard') {
                    $this->addCSSRule($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') . ' { font-family: ' . $font_name . '; }'."\n");
               } elseif($font_type == 'google') {
                    $font_link = $font_data[2];
                    $font_family = $font_data[3];
                    $this->addCSSRule($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') . ' { font-family: \''.$font_family.'\', Arial, sans-serif; }'."\n");
               } elseif($font_type == 'squirrel') {
                    $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/fonts/' . $font_name . '/stylesheet.css');
                    $this->addCSSRule($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') . ' { font-family: ' . $font_name . ', Arial, sans-serif; }'."\n");
               } elseif($font_type == 'adobe') {
                    $this->addCSSRule($this->getParam('font_rules_group'.$font_iter, '') . ' { font-family: ' . $font_name . ', Arial, sans-serif; }'."\n");

   // include JavaScript

   $this->addJS($this->URLtemplate() . '/js/gk.scripts.js');


   if($this->getParam('use_lazyload', '1') == 1) {

          echo '<script type=\'text/javascript\' data-excluded=\''.str_replace("=Disabled\r\n", ",",$this->getParam('lazyload_for_pages', 'null')).'\' id=\'gkLazyLoad\' src=\''.$this->URLtemplate().'/js/lazyload.js\' ></script>';



   if($this->browser->get('browser') == 'ie7') {

      $this->addJS($this->URLtemplate() . '/js/ie7.equal.columns.js');

        $this->addCSS($this->URLtemplate() . '/css/ie7.css');



   if($this->getParam('selectivizr', '0') == 1 && ($this->browser->get('browser') == 'ie7' || $this->browser->get('browser') == 'ie8')) {

      $this->addJS($this->URLtemplate() . '/js/selectivizr.js');



   $this->addJSFragment(' $GKMenu = { height:'.($this->getParam('menu_height','0') == 1 ? 'true' : 'false') .', width:'.($this->getParam('menu_width','0') == 1 ? 'true' : 'false') .', duration: '.($this->getParam('menu_duration', '500')).' };');


   $this->addJSFragment('$GK_TMPL_URL = "' . $this->URLtemplate() . '";');


    <!--[if IE 9.0]><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->URLtemplate(); ?>/css/ie9.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->

   <!--[if IE 8.0]><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->URLtemplate(); ?>/css/ie8.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->

   <!--[if IE 7.0]><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->URLtemplate(); ?>/css/ie7.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:03 pm

Please try to add this line I've mentioned and if this will not help please send me an ftp access to Your site.
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GK User
Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:07 pm
in that part of the code should be added the lines?

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Fresh Boarder

Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:36 pm

Try maybe just before "<?php" in first line, on a very top.
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GK User
Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:44 pm
I try now and if it does not work I'll send you the FTP parameters!

muchas gracias!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:23 pm
thank you very much, now it works perfectly!
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:15 pm

Great to hear it :) To pe honest I wasn't 100% sure about this solution, but it was worth trying.
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