I am playing with the Pixel Love template to match as best I can my old custom template and I am new to Gavick templates and I am not a webpage developer, so I apologize for my stupid questions ahead of time.
1. ) I have placed a menu in the left_left spot and would like to edit the appearance of the menu or create one for just this spot as it conflicts with colors in the top (main menu for Gavick) spot, so having control over the two locations as far as text color and hover color.... where should I edit/modify?
2. ) I want to add a background image in the left_top position, where do I edit this?
3. ) I want to add a background image in the left_bottom position, where do I edit this?
I am just not seeing these locations necessary cut and dry in the CSS files and would love someone to point me in the right directions. I have a good sized Joomla site (several actually) and the grandaddy of them all is still on Joomla 1.0 and is broken in some aspects due to new PHP etc. on my server, so I have migrated content and I am working on a couple solutions for getting a theme to look like my old site and forums. I am setting them up in/migrateing to Joomla 2.5 and thought it would be nice to have it all based on fresh new code, so I am trying to tweak Pixel Love which with the color changes, etc. that I am trying to do, should work out well I hope.
Thanks in advance.