If you are using this font straight from Googles font directory not all of the fonts are cross browser compatible.
You can check this by going to Google Web Font Api and look at the fonts by using different browsers.
I have faced with this problem and i managed to sort it out by downloading the font from font squirrel and use it in templates folder.
So I believe this is the font you are looking for.
- Code: Select all
Download font face kit which is slightly underneath "Choose Font Formats:"
Upload it to templatesgk_pixellovefontsOld-Standard-TT
From Template Settings goto Fonts > Headers - fonts > Squirrel > Select - Old-Standard-TT
Delete h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 from those boxes which is just underneath.
Enable CSS Override from advanced features.
Edit "templatesgk_pixellovecssoverride.css"
Add below code:
- Code: Select all
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 {
font-family: Old-Standard-TT;
font-style: italic;
It should work ok now.
See you around...