How align buttons on bottom

GK User
Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:39 am
With IE8 and Mozilla I have to align better the buttons and the text on the bottom, the problem is like the one in the attachment: the text "piede form lista1" must be under the button "Save" and the outline around the button is too short.
How can I solve it?
What I have to modify, settings? css? others?
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Konrad M
Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:41 am
please give us url to your website with this issue. It will be much easier to help you.
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GK User
Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:50 am

Please enter
nome utente (user): test
password: test

and then on the main menu (Home, K2, Typography, Articoli...) choose "Lista 1"

At the end of the page you can see my problem.
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GK User
Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:58 am
Another example:

always with the login (test / test) choose on top "Your account" / "Messaggistica" and then "Componi"
The button "Invia" and the text "Configurazione Aiuto" is not paginated ok
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GK User
Wed May 08, 2013 3:45 pm
Enable override.css in theme settings panel.
Than edit file:
And insert at its end:
Code: Select all
#uddeim #uddeim-m {overflow: hidden;}
#form_1 {overflow: hidden;}
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GK User
Wed May 08, 2013 7:08 pm
It work, thank'you very much.
Great Cyberek!
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