Background image (I added) not appearing on sub-menu pages

GK User
Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:17 pm
I cannot seem to get the background image to carry to anything that is on a sub menu. Menu items work fine, and the background is in place. when i click on a sub menu i get NO background.

If you click on about you'll see no issue, if you click on one of the drop downs in any menu item, there is no BG. this is also true for the K2 blog.


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GK User
Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:06 pm
It is because you have defined a CSS code in the head section:
Code: Select all

body {
background: url("../images/kim2.jpg") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;

background-attachment:fixed !important;

please move it to one of your CSS files (and check then if the image path is correct). Then the problem should dissapear.

You can also change the path in the mentioned code from relative to absolute - it will also solve the problem.
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