bkrztuk wrote:By Samsung you mean smartphone with Android operating system or some feature phone ?
Hi bkrztuk,
I don't have any other information since my client was giving a seminar and two of the attendees he spoke with afterwards showed him his site on their phones. He just said is was a "jumbled mess". Hard to interpret that. I think it is because when he views the site on his HTC Amaze it shows the desktop version, so maybe he wasn't aware that the mobile version doesn't have the big slideshow image of the desktop. Just a white background with menus.
One problem is that I modified the logo to be a bit wider, but the template isn't rescaling it down to fit within the phone browser width. Also, I have a module in the header which I'd like to adjust the margin-left setting for, just on mobile devices.
I'll have a look around at the various mobile-related template files and see if I can figure it out.