I upgraded jomsocial to version 2.4.1, the template css files and the gk_style folder, but I didnt understand well the second item of the readme file:
2. Please add following selectors to the group "Headers" in the template options at "Fonts" tab:
#jsMenu .jsMenuBar > ul > li > a,
#community-wrap div.profile-info .contentheading,
#community-wrap div.greybox div.joinbutton,
body #community-wrap div.profile-toolbox-bl ul.small-button li,
ul.profile-details li.title,
#community-wrap .latest-events .jsEvDate,
#community-wrap .cModule.latest-events .jsDetail b a,
body #community-wrap ul#featurelist li,
#community-wrap #event-admin-name,
#community-wrap .wall-tittle,
#community-wrap #wallForm,
#community-wrap #community-photo-walls,
#community-wrap .profile-toolbox-name,
#community-wrap .video-title a,
#community-wrap .clabel,
#community-wrap .eventDate,
#community-wrap .inbox-message-heading
I need to put this into a css file? Or in the Musicity Template Parameters? Or in the Jomsocial Theme Parameters?