I do it manually as well but i found one more "error?".
First Section looks diffrent than others and other section descriptions are under title background.
Here is a screen because my english suck
tjrac wrote:Seichinha,
Thanks for the great template!
I'm attaching a screenshot showing what appears to be an issue with fonts (tabs,headers). It does not seem to match your screenshots. I believe that I followed the instructions correctly. Before I go messing with the css can anyone shed some light on this? If you prefer a link to the test site you can find it here.
#comments .comment-date
#comments .comment-date,
#Kunena #ktab li,
#Kunena tr.ksth,
#Kunena li.kpost-username,
#Kunena div.kthead-title,
#Kunena .kwholegend span
Kusy wrote:Hi,
I have gold style in Musicity but kunena style is red. I cleared joomla cache, browser cache and nothing still red
PS Gold style should look good with CherryDesign template.
Kusy wrote:I do it manually as well but i found one more "error?".
First Section looks diffrent than others and other section descriptions are under title background.
Here is a screen because my english suck
Seichinha wrote:Kusy wrote:I do it manually as well but i found one more "error?".
First Section looks diffrent than others and other section descriptions are under title background.
Here is a screen because my english suck
OK Thanks for the report.
I will take a quick look and provide you the solution.
dondraganon wrote:Hi Seichinha, what are the new updates?
Thanks again
apanou wrote:Template Color Stays Red.
Thank you for this excellent initiative. I like it but I'm having a problem the only style available is read although I have default style set to blue in the back end of musicity. I also disable style switching in the frontend. I modified the cuffunPHP file and when i click to go to Kunena the same red template is showing and it ner changes.
Can you please help
apanou wrote:@Seichinha Would you please tell me if you used the loging info i sent you to log to my site? If so, what's your verdict ?
erka wrote:Is there an ETA for a Joomla 1.6 version of this template?
Seichinha wrote:erka wrote:Is there an ETA for a Joomla 1.6 version of this template?
I will start making tests with J!1.6 and if all goes well, this weekend it will be good news.
PascM wrote:I am not sure but i think that this template (Kunena Musicity) is already working with J16
PascM wrote:I am not sure but i think that this template (Kunena Musicity) is already working with J16