Copy of total template

GK User
Sun May 22, 2011 4:13 pm
It might be a simple question?
But if I want to make a total copy of Musicity temple, what do I do?
I want to have the original template, and then copy all of Gavick Musicity temple to: myMusicity.
Jus copy the hole folder in templates? (FTP)
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GK User
Sun May 22, 2011 5:26 pm
1. make a copy of the language file en-GB.tpl_gk_musicity.ini in the language folder and rename the suffix (_gk_musicity) to (_yourtemplate) the name of the new template.

2. copy the templateDetails.xml file and do a search for the template name and replace them all with the new template name. Make sure you change the template name, out of respect leave the author info the same.

3. copy and rename the template folder.

4. upload the template.
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