I have 12 sites using a simple styling script for my blog and other images throughout my sites.
It saves me allot of time so I prefer to keep using it.
The script is working fine on 10 sites, but the 2 using your template will not
show the styling in Internet Explorer. I am using IE9 and have had others look as well.
Here is an example: Try this in Chrome or FF then IE
Now try this link. Different Template and works fine.
The script is called Complete Image Styles
http://joomla.impression-estudio.gr/com ... s/demo.php
The person who built the script said the following:
"I checked your websites and I saw that this problem is occurred only in IE and in your website (as you also said) because I applied exactly the same settings in my local website and I could see the styles normally. I tried to find what is the problem by debugging Javascript, I disabled some modules/plugins, I changed some settings in the template parameters but no luck.
I really don’t know what else to try but I think it has to do with Javascript.
If you know any plugin or module with special behavior for IE, disable it temporary and see if the styles work."
Any help would be appreciated with this.
All access to my site is in ticket XGU-229-93491