K2 Giant Folder on Blog! Help!

GK User
Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:35 pm
Trying to launch a site in the next day or two and I am using K2 as the blogging tool for my client. There is a giant folder in a big white space on the top of the blog! What is it? How do I deactivate it???

I know this isnt template specific, but I am using the coffee template and I am hoping someone knows!!!

Thank you so much in advance!

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GK User
Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:43 pm
I found it. Took about 3 hours of turning things on and off. I forgot what I had clicked "Hide" on but it didnt make much sense- Didnt say "Giant Ugly Folder Ruing Your Blog, Show/Hide".

Still not quite sure what the point of the large folder even was. Guess I could investigate on the K2 Forums if there are any.
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