Menu Columns

GK User
Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:43 am
Hi There,

I installed GK Menu Extended Parameters by to my surprise it only allows 2 columns :ohmy: and :angry: why?

Is there any way to change this? I need 4 columns and a way to set the width of each. Any documentation please? My first time to use Gavick template, forgive me for being ignorant of the feature.

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GK User
Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:54 pm
here is the answer to your question.

unfortunetly it's not a answer you want
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GK User
Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:40 pm

On our live website, we're using Yootheme and the way they allow to change menu columns is to use Joomla's default Page Class Suffix field, it's kind of hacking to me and a normal average joomla user wouldn't know where to look for that setting unless of course they'll RTFM. Now, what I like about Gavick is you guys tends to make a control panels for settings which is the thing that I'm trying to market to my boss to shift our templates to Gavick because they're cool. And now, with that link you provided says:

The number of columns can be set in Columns option – it can be one or two column layout. We resigned from using more columns as there is no sense in using more than that.

options are made with limits but to make that limit applied for somebody thought that because it does not make sense is no longer an option, put a limit of not more than the width of the entire template is an option with limit. But putting a limit of 2 because it does not make sense is just not an option. Whoever said that should not be in your design team. Listen to people who uses your products, not because you think it does not make sense. It does not for you, but it does for others.

If you can please point me to the file where I can change this limitation, I would appreciate it. Or is it even possible to override your limitation of 2 columns?

Thank you and I'm very much disappointed.

Let me add this, Joomla 1.5 has limited 2 Category (Section & Category) depth but since they listen to people who uses Joomla they took that limitation out in Jooml 1.6 which is great, categories on other hand need no limitation.
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GK User
Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:45 pm

This feature will be added in our first Gavern Framework update but you can do it yourself right now by replace file parameters.xml from rootpluginssystemplg_gkextmenu with this file >>

Please right-click on the link and choose 'Save as' option.
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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:55 am

Thanks for the fix, I appreciate your help and good to know Gavick is listening to their subscribers.

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Junior Boarder

GK User
Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:49 pm

Thanks for your help, I also modified GKMenu.php & parameters.xml to dynamically change the width of the menu according to users specified width but retain the defaul 200px width.


Very cool.
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Junior Boarder
