rename gk_penguinmail

GK User
Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:22 am

Since gk_penguinmail is the first (and only J1.6 compatible template for now from Gavick) I'm thinking of renaming it because I'll be using the same template in several pages in my website (same domain name)but with different color scheme and background image. I tried doing that but it breaks the language file, I was wondering where or which file is the language.ini file being loaded? I just can't find it. I'm getting this under debug:

  • /localhost/Sites/lakeave2/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_gk_lakeavev2.ini
  • /localhost/Sites/lakeave2/templates/gk_lakeavev2/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_gk_lakeavev2.ini

The first list look fine to me but second one seems to be overriding everything. I renamed the template folder to gk_lakeave2 and changed all reference to gk_penguinmail in templateDetails.xml.

If there is any ways to use the same template in different pages with different color scheme and module position name I'll use the same but this is the only way I can think of.

Thanks gavick team.
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Junior Boarder

Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:44 am

It's the fastest way.

The only file for template is located in language file and the name must be exacly like the one You have set in xml file.
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GK User
Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:58 am

Thanks for your reply. :lol: Did you do something? Dude, I just did what you suggested which I believed I did the same before :laugh: Anyways, for those who wants to do the same as what I'm doing, say you want to rename the template from:

gk_penguinmail to whatever_name

make sure that the language file en-GB.tpl_gk_penguinmail should be renamed to en-GB.tpl_whatever_name, the folder should also be whatever_name.

Thanks again teitbite, you rock!
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Junior Boarder

Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:24 pm

No problem. Glad I could help.
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GK User
Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:03 pm
Hi there...I followed your instructions but it broke the template.

Here is a list of the files that I modified..

/joomlaDir/templates/templateDetails.xml - Changed all references to gk_penguinmail paths to my custom name
/JoomlaDir/templates/language/en-GB.tpl_gk_penguinmail.ini - Renamed by replacing gk_penguinmail with my custom name
../language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_gk_penguinmail.ini - Renamed by replacing gk_penguinmail with my custom name

So there it is... these are the files you said needed changing

Did I miss anything?

Please help me to get this working with the modded custom template path.

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Junior Boarder

Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:37 pm

There's couple more files to change, but easier will be if You use some search in files program and You will know what files should be changed also.
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GK User
Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:18 am
If you're a windows user you can use grepwin to run a find and replace. Get GrepWin here there is also a portable version, which is handy if you're out and about. B)
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Expert Boarder

GK User
Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:43 am

There's couple more files to change, but easier will be if You use some search in files program and You will know what files should be changed also.

Can you be more specific?

Exactly which files need a name change and which files need to be edited and where within the files do you edit...

This information will be more helpful to everyone if you expand out the process and provide a full list of files, etc.

Thanks for your help so far.
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Junior Boarder

GK User
Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:32 am
What teitbite is saying is use a file find and replace tool to find and replace the text in the files.

You can manually change the name of the directory and the en-GB.tpl_gk_penguinmail.ini

Directory gk_penguinmail changes to newname

eb-GB.tpl_gk_penguinmail.ini changes to en-GB.tpl_newname.ini

Then use grep on linux or grepwin on windows to run through the files to change and replace all occurrences of gk_penguinmail with newname.

For example you would open grepwin at the newname directory and enter gk_penguinmail in the search for field and enter newname in the replace field. You will need to set regex search to checked/active to enter the replace text. Tick all the relevant boxes you require for example case sensitive yes/no create backup files yes/no include subfolders yes/no text match yes/no files/content yes/no then click on replace.

grepwin will then run through all the files below the current directory level, finding and replacing all the occurrences gk_penguinmail with newname (according to the settings and rules you apply). You will see a report of all the files which required a change, plus how many times the change was implemented within each of those files.

Once you have done all the required changes you can zip the newname directory up, then install the template with the joomla admin module manager. If you have made an error with the language file of the .xml the installer will flag the error. If you get it all correct the template will install without any errors. To test just set the renamed template to default temporarily and view the results on the front end.

Hope that helps clear things up and is specific enough for you. There maybe some minor errors in that quick overview, so you maybe required to think about what is being done in this process.
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Expert Boarder

Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:13 am

freshgs is right. It's really not that hard. Of course we do not want users to get rid of our "gk" from the template's name but we do not restrict it :D

PS: I use Finder on Mac to do this.
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