Since gk_penguinmail is the first (and only J1.6 compatible template for now from Gavick) I'm thinking of renaming it because I'll be using the same template in several pages in my website (same domain name)but with different color scheme and background image. I tried doing that but it breaks the language file, I was wondering where or which file is the language.ini file being loaded? I just can't find it. I'm getting this under debug:
- /localhost/Sites/lakeave2/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_gk_lakeavev2.ini
- /localhost/Sites/lakeave2/templates/gk_lakeavev2/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_gk_lakeavev2.ini
The first list look fine to me but second one seems to be overriding everything. I renamed the template folder to gk_lakeave2 and changed all reference to gk_penguinmail in templateDetails.xml.
If there is any ways to use the same template in different pages with different color scheme and module position name I'll use the same but this is the only way I can think of.
Thanks gavick team.