mobile version on desktop

GK User
Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:29 pm
Hi there,

once in a while when I am going to my website it shows the mobile version although I am at the desktop. Then it is not possibile to switch to the desktop version.

Any advice?
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:42 pm
find a attached the screenshot please
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:04 pm
I still have problems with the mobil layout. Even on the iphone I do not get the menu so users will see only the first side and can't click to another one. Desktop switcher still not works.
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:00 pm
Hi there,
this problem becomes more and more severe - I would really appreciate your help!

every now and then the default layout changes to the mobile layout - at my desktop! And there is NO POSSIBILITY to change back to default.

On mobile device there is no possibility to see the menu either. so everyone coming to my site and uses an iphone will stay on home page.

Please give me advice how to fix that.
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Gold Boarder

GK User
Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:20 pm
still get the switch to the mobile layout!

This now becomes annoying especially because nobody of the gavick team seems to be interested in it.

Is anybody there? Anyone who take support serious?
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Gold Boarder
